Welcome to Didgeridoo Meditations

Feel the sonic vibrations of one of the world’s most ancient instruments soothing your body and mind… ideal for spiritual gatherings, churches, and meditation events.


I have been playing the didgeridoo since 2013, although my fascination with this mystic instrument goes back much further. I give respect to the Aboriginal inhabitants of Australia for their music and culture.


I have played solo as well as with other didgeridoo players, crystal bowls, and drummers. The didgeridoo complements many instruments very well, and is a powerful force both for grounding and uplifting, perfect for reiki shares and group meditations.


If you’d like to have a didgeridoo player for your next event, please contact me here:  https://www.gigsalad.com/didgeridoo_meditations_burke


Please view some sample didgeridoo recordings with the following YouTube videos or downloads below:

A Yidaki didgeridoo crafted from eucalyptus by master traditional craftsman Djalu Guruwiwi:


A didgeridoo made from yucca:


A spiral didgeridoo:

